Tier System
Sadly, as we live in a capitalist system, it takes time, work, and money to keep producing teachings. The translation, formatting, Zoom, Otter.ai, webhosting et cetra are expenses that pile up constantly. So, in order to be able to keep this level of teachings going, we ask for your support through the tier system we came up with:
· Tier 1 is the full support at $108 per month. This allows us to produce everything that we do. The subscription covers every class that we do in a given month (that you have the P-level for). Workshops, empowerments, activities, P-levels: you get a 100% discount on all the classes.
If you're a P-1 student, please be aware that most of the empowerments offered are restricted to P-2 and above, the tier 2 support would be a better option for you as you would be able to take the monthly sutric class at half price.
· Tier 2 Is the partial support at $30 per month. This also helps us to produce teachings. The subscription comes with a 50% discount on any class in a given month in addition to access to the base course of P-1 or P-2.
You can cancel your subscription at anytime for either tier.
· Tier 3 is work study. Right now, all slots are taken, you can send an inquiry through Contact Us to find out if any slot has opened up at any time.
Tier 2
30$Every monthDiscounted membership- Base course starting from P-1 if you're enrolled
- 50% discount on workshops.
Tier 1
108$Every monthFull access membership- Base course starting from P-1 if you're enrolled.
- All monthly workshops with the exception of fundraisers.