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How to Start in Four Steps

New to our group?

Unsure where to start?

Let us help with that!

A quick primer: When you see a P before something, this means Path Level. We have three levels that are open to all and two others that are invitation-only:

  • Path Level 1 (P-1): This is our intro level. Here you will have all the sutric teachings, most of the open teachings and some visualization instructions. It ends with you gaining the Guru Yoga empowerments, and a host of sorcerous practices cointained there.

  • Path Level 2 (P-2): This is the general tantric level. You must have completed the P-1 level. At this level, there's a 1.5 years course covering all the tantric basics, from generating as the deity to giving a long ceremonial meal, destroying obstacles, etc. Finish this and you will be ahead of 99% of people who do Tantra, in the west or east.

  • Path Level 3 (P-3): This is the advanced tantric level. We have Ngondros here, but also the advanced yogas, like Tummo, Dream Yoga and Phowa.

Once you complete P-3, you're eligible for two other trainings:

  • Ngapga/ma Training: this is where you train to work as a tantric sorcerer. You get a host of special empowerments and in-depth training in rituals.

  • Lama Training: This is where you learn to be a Lama, how to conduct rituals and give empowerments, as well as in-depth guidance on how to teach the Dharma.

(you can find a longer description of our school and lineage here and our teaching structure here)



P-1: Intro to Tantric Sorcery

If you're totally new, but want to dive into our teachings, you can take the self-paced P-1: Intro to Tantric Sorcery course here.



If a course is not your thing, but you want to learn what we teach without any commitment, you can always get our books: we cover from basic introductions to sutric sorcery!



Our ongoing activities

We have our monthly newsletter, called The Waystation, that's available for all! Here, we go over the monthly activities, what we are doing and the direction of the TRC. There's always open & free activities for all to participate. You can find it here.


Commiting to the Path

Once you have tried this path and want to take your practice to the next level, you can request the Guru Yogas empowerment that unlock P-2, P-3 and the Buddhist Sorcerer (Ngapga) and Lama Training. For that, we advise you to suscribe to our school here.

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© 2023 by TRC

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Burn, Mara Burn

Yes, the time has come again.

The time when we gather to roast Mara and practice to liberate Samsara.

We liked the Portland experience so much last year that this year it's the official Mara Roast Location!

We'll be there from September 29 through October 4, doing teachings, yogas and sorceries together!

Ok, so where in Portland, OR?

Guru Prajwal's temple, near Hawthorne and Chavez.

1405 SE 40th Avenue Portland OR 97214-4406


What is going to be taught?


Ok, there is a cost, right? And what does it cover?

Yes, sadly there is a cost.

It takes money and effort to travel, translate and host, so we need to ask for your collaboration. This will cover the cost of the teachings; they're five days full of teachings you will literally not find anywhere else. 

You have to provide your food and lodgins; we will give the teachings, plus all the files and documents you need to practice.

As an aside, we will define one session to be streamed, but most of it won't. This is an encounter; we want to meet and practice together. There's plenty of teachings every month online, but this is different.

The cost is going to be on a sliding window; why? Because there's a limit to the space that we have and we need to set everything up beforehand. 

For March, the Early Bird ticket is $650 for everything.

April to July, the ticket is $750.

August and September is going to be $900. So get in early!

You can get your ticket right here.

Oh, I want to participate, but I can't afford it.

We understand. We also wanted to practice and it took time and effort. 

There's a scholarship option.

This covers two things:

1-The lodging: There's a chance to crash in the temple. The space is limited and you should bring a sleeping bag, but it's doable.

2-The teachings: There's limited teaching space, but if you want to come, we'll try to make you room.

The only thing we need to emphasize is that everything is limited. We will need to make a decision, and it will be nothing personal if we cannot grant you either or both of them. But we need to make sure that the event is viable. Please do not sign up via paypal if you selected a scholarship option until we get back to you. 

The scholarship form is here:

Mara Roast 2025 - Scholarship form

This is the form to participate of the Mara Roast via Scholarship. Please do not sign up on the Paypal link if you request scholarship until you hear from us; there's a limited space to participate and to teach, so we will have to make a divination on how many scholarship spaces there are.

Scholarship Requested

Last year, there were some cool guides and playlists...

We got you:

See you there!

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