Oh, boy.
You thought we were decelerating, for the end of the year?
Nope, we're just getting room to JUMP UP!
We have a positive Tsunami
of activities for you, but first, let's get the basic info out of the way...
Useful links
For those new, our useful links are:
What is Vajrayana?: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/vajrayana
WTF is Tantra?: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/wtf-is-tantra
Our Mission: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/mission
Our Structure – i.e. where we talk about our maps, systems and how to practice: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/structure
Our membership programs - https://www.tantricsorcery.com/subscriptions
Sometimes people ask: what do you do with the money you raise? We pay for things. Like trips to teach the Dharma, like our Zoom, our Otter.ai transcribing service or the thousand things we do to keep teaching. At the same time, remember that money shouldn't be a problem. We have free activities every month.
But basically: you give us money, we put it to use in the teaching of Dharma.
Monthly activities
(more info on each link and on our video!)
This Saturday 11/2 we have our Open & Free for all Bodhisattva Beatblas.
Also on 11/2, another Open & Free teaching on Divination with the Buddhist I-Ching.
On Saturday 11/9 we have another Divination teaching, but this time P-1+: The Empowerment and Teaching of Manjushri and the Tibetan Mo Divination.
Then, there's a fork of activities. On one hand, I (Lama Fede) will be in Mexico. We'll have a retreat in Veracruz teaching Mind Training (starting on 11/15) and a series of conferences in Mexico City on 11/19. These are Open for all.
Lama Sherab will also continue teachin online, with an empowerment and teaching on Bardo Yoga on 11/16 (requires P-1) and a Sutric Sorcery (open for all) teaching called The King of Spells on 11/17.
Then, for those in P-2/C-3 we will have the major empowerment of the cycle: Vajrakilaya Vulture Feather from 11/23 through 11/24.
And finally, on 11/30 we'll have both our special operations ritual group and the P-3 cohort.
That's some hefty November to have! Also, if you're in Mexico city, come have a drink!