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Advice on Rime
What is Rime?
Rime is the Tibetan word that means without bias, without extremes. To understand the history of Rime in Vajrayana, here is an introduction from Lama Sherab.
Introduction to RimeLama Dorje Sherab
00:00 / 13:35
Sectarianism has been the cause of immense suffering not only throughout the history of Tibetan Buddhism but also in the context of other religions as well as world politics. Lama Dorje Sherab recorded a transmission and commentary for Chogyur Dechen Lingpa's invaluable essay on nonsectarianism recorded on 7/4/2022 in hope that the wisdom and insight of this great master can inspire beings to strive for something better.
Interdependence Day transmission- Advice on Rime by Chokgyur LingpaLama Dorje Sherab
00:00 / 36:36

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